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Campaign Archive: (Feb 05 to present)
Campaign Goals: 1. Create a deadline for action Ban the sale of incandescents by specific dates Ban 60W + 100W incandescents first (bayonet + screw) Ban other incandescent designs later 2. Remove the price advantage of incandescents Increase the cost of incandescent light bulbs Reduce the sales tax (VAT) on CFLs from 17.5% to 5% 3. Help the poor Help the poor to replace their incandescents Help the poor to save money on their energy bills 4. Encourage responsible recycling Encourage the responsible recycling of CFLs Encourage fair + adequate funding for recycling Encourage discussions amongst recycling stakeholders 5. Encourage + strengthen supporting legislation Include light bulbs in the EU's Eco Directive Explain the pros + cons of the EU's RoHS Directive 6. Propose appriopriate exemptions Make the case for appropriate medical and specialist exemptions 7. Encourage continued innovation Propose that technology neutral "watts per lumen" criteria should be included in ban legislation Propose "watts per lumen per m2" as further criteria Highlight promising technologies as they emerge 8. Encourage energy efficiency and conservation Explain the benefits of greater energy efficiency Explain the benefits of turning things off Accelerate the uptake of available technologies 9. Use LEDs to set energy performance standards LEDs offer a 90% energy saving CFLs offer a 65-80% energy saving High efficiency incandescents offer a 25% saving Incandescents offer 0% energy saving Banning incandescent light bulbs would... Save 2 to 5 Million tonnes of CO2 per year in the UK Save 23 to 53 Million tonnes of CO2 per year in the EU Global Energy Use: Thanks to...OilPrice.com Links: BBC "Green Room" 3 Feb 06 Light bulbs: Not such a bright idea Comments BBC "Green Room" 21 April 06 Shedding light on call to ban bulb Comments BBC "Green Room" 20 Oct 06 Where have all the leaders gone? Comments BBC article 29 Jun 06 Lighting the key to energy saving IEA : Lights Labour Lost report BBC article 2 Nov 06 Bulbs must be efficient by 2009 BBC "Green Room" 19 Jan 07 The need for ambition + imagination Stern Review: Summary Guardian article 1 Feb 07 Should I replace incandescents now? Worldwatch: Effects of WEEE Directive BBC article 31 Jan 07 Plan to ban light bulbs... in California Nine MSN article 20 Feb 07 Plan to ban light bulbs... in Australia BBC article 20 Feb 07 Australia pulls plug on old bulbs Courier Mail article 21 Feb 07 See the light Turnbull EurActiv article 21 Feb 07 How many EU members does it take to change a light bulb? Guardian article 22 Feb 07 Should we ban these bulbs? Scotsman article 24 Feb 07 How many light bulbs does it take to change the world? Daily Mail article 10 Mar 07 EU switches off our old light bulbs BBC "Green Room" 16 July 07 Sex sells, but at what cost? The Guardian article 27 Sept 07 UK to phase out 150W, 100W + 60W bulbs The Guardian article 27 Sept 07 Ban The Bulb? International Light Bulb Campaigns 18 Seconds (US) Greenpeace India : BTB petition (India) www.banthebulb.co.uk (UK: unaffiliated) Campaigns One Watt Initiative (IEA) One Billion Bulbs (US) Big Green Switch (UK) Eco Portal Eco Earth Info (US) References Homestayfinder: How CFLs work MPs' Letters: EU light bulb rules Wikipedia: Ozone Depletion EU: Kyoto Protocol Lighting Industry Federation >LIF: Lamp Guide 2001 pdf UK Climate Change Programme >UK CCP: Review pdf UK Market Transformation Programme ECCP Report 2001 pdf European Lamp Companies Federation DTI: WEEE Directive Energy Saving Trust GE: Soft White Dimmable CFLs Cubans + Jamaicans hand out free CFLs ELCFED FAQs Lighting Advice Energy Saving Trust Lighting Bulb ratings Lighting choices Low energy fittings Save Your 20% Customer Utility Services Light bulb suppliers lightbulbs.co.uk Just LED Direct Trade Supplies Light Rabbit Light Rabbit : Commercial AVR LED Track Lighting Bulb Buddy Energy Bulb Synergy Lighting USA (USA) Express Light Bulbs LED Light Bulbs LED Lighting Supplier eco LED Light E-Leds EcoPal (Ireland) LED Lights LED Tape Eco St LED Eco Lights Light Bulb Planet Green Led LineLite First Light Direct Lamps On Line UltraLEDS (UK) LiteBulbs Bright Green Technology (signs) Eco Friendly Light Bulbs Go Green Lights (UK) Energy Saving World (UK) Light Bulbs Direct (UK) Better Generation (UK) Efficient Light (UK) Ultima (UK) Megaman (UK) Amazon.Com (US) The Bulbman (US) LED Online [LEDs] (UK) OptoSource [LEDs] (UK) CyberLux [LEDs] (US) Androv Medical (UK) BestBulb (UK) The Light Bulb (UK) Solar Solar Power Centre (UK) Intelligent Energy Solutions (UK) Solar Insiders (UK) Solar Gadget Store (UK) Select Solar Panels (UK) Energy Saving Advice Conserve Energy (UK) Intelligent Energy Solutions (UK) Solar Security Solar Security Solutions (UK) Energy Company Advice Good Energy Shop (UK) Home Energy Generation / Storage Cyber Energy (UK) Low carbon technology sites The Solar Centre (UK) Price comparison sites Business Electricity Prices (UK) Business Gas Prices (UK) USwitch: Business Energy (UK) Home Advisory Service (UK) UK Power (UK) Business Gas (UK) Business Electricity (UK) Solar Price Comparison Services Talk Solar Panels (UK) Talk Solar Boilers (UK) Solar Quote Provider (UK) Solar Lighting Lux Outdoor Ligting (UK) The Eco Experts (UK) http://www.theecoexperts.co.uk Light bulb history An overview 1809 Humphrey Davy (Arc lamp) 1820 Warren De la Rue (vacuum + wire) 1879 Edison and Swan (carbon + cotton) 1880 Edison (carbon + bamboo) 1898 Karl Auer (osmium) 1903 Siemens/Halske (tantalum) 1906 to 10 GEC/William Coolidge (tungsten) Fluorescent light and lamp history 1857 Becquerel (fluorescence) 1901 Cooper Hewitt (mercury vapour lamp) 1934 Germer (high pressure lamp) 1970s Anderson + Hollister (electrodeless) 1976 Edward Hammer (spiral lamp) Mercury + Fluorescent Lights Efficiency Vermont Michigan Dept. of Env. Quality Energy Efficiency Advice EU Energy Label Refrigeration Laundry Dishwashers Boilers Insulation + Windows Find recommended products (UK) Generate your own energy General advice Solar Photovoltaics Solar water heating Heat pumps Small scale wind Small scale hydro Biomass Press coverage The Guardian 7 Dec 05 BBC News Online 'Green Room' 3 Feb 06 BBC Radio 4 'Broadcasting House' 5 Feb 06 Austrian Broadcasting Corp. 7 Feb 06 BBC Radio Wales 8 Feb 06 BBC News Online 8 Feb 06 The Hindustan Times editorial The Guardian "Campaign O.T.W. " 21 Feb 06 BBC Radio Essex 22 Feb 06 Interesting energy ideas... Option 10 (UK) Light Up The World (Can) TVEC.org (UK) Downshifting Path (UK) Cent. for Alt. Tech. (Wales) Patio Heaters Are Evil (UK) NGOs Friends of the Earth Greenpeace International Natural Resources Defense Council New Economics Foundation WWF Renewable Energy Businesses Select Solar Solar Century Climate Change Carbon Trust Climate Stability 2005 DEFRA Hadley Centre IPCC Met Office Pew Centre Tyndall Centre UK Energy Research Centre UNFCCC Reports National Audit Office > report Environmental Blogs Alternative Energy Blog Dangerousmeta! Earth Blog Earth Info Energy: Action Envirotech George Monbiot Greenpeace Weblog Gristmill Mark Lynas Meta Efficient One Change Real Climate Rebecca Blood Sierra Club Scoop World Changing Ethical Expert © matt prescott
Monday, December 21, 2015Guest Blog : Changing Consumer Culture... One LED At A Time
Changing Consumer
Culture... One LED At A Time
I sit here as a 26 year old man, shaking my head at the state
of the world. At the recent COP21 (Climate Conference) in Paris, our leaders
made all sorts of grand promises about reducing humanity’s impact on the world.
Despite it being good to debate and share ideas, they failed to explain how our
growth-driven economic model is going to reach this summit and what strides we
all need to take to make a better world possible.
In this opinion piece I would like to explore how our economic
model and the associated consumer culture that drives it - needs to change, if
we are all to play our part in helping breathe new life back into nature’s
foundations. In order to turn our noble dreams into a tangible reality we all
need to face some cold hard truths about modern life and our own expectations.
Ultimately, we need to challenge ourselves to think and act in new ways, which
don’t necessarily revolve around endless growth and consumption.
We are all consumers
now, but are there any alternative ways of leading full and rich lives without
defining ourselves as consumers?
I’m talking about a complete culture change, a shift in
attitudes, right across the board and at every social level. It is no longer
enough for a handful of campaigners to bang drums and wave banners. We require
mainstream change by considering how the millions of everyday actions can be
made less harmful - quickly, easily and affordably. There are positive signs that
this is possible, take the last 10 years in the lighting industry, many of the
light bulbs we use today have become 90% more energy efficient and new
technologies have plummeted in price as they continue to be made in their
But what are the next steps? Plastic bags, cars, homes? How do
we learn the lessons from the giant leaps in energy efficient lighting? How do
we apply this model to every area of life?
Step 1 : Take stock of
what’s around you.
What do you own, how do you interact and what can be improved
upon. This can be anything from how you get to work to how you light your home.
Step 2 : Take the first
When trying to change, taking the first step can often feel the
hardest. It is therefore important to break the changes you want to make it
small pieces and to allow yourself some early successes. My recommendation is
therefore to implement some of the smaller and more achievable improvements
first. After this you can tackle the bigger changes, from firmer foundations.
Step 3 : Measure what
you monitor
In order to remain motivated, and sustain your efforts over the
long-term, it is important to measure what you plan to monitor, so that your
successes (and failures) can be quantified and used to show you what has been
Step 4 : Share what
Raising awareness of the changes you’ve made and demonstrating
these have worked will enable you to scale up what you have learnt and help
your environment. Try to influence your peers to make similar strides.
Step 5 : Build a team
Once you have some success under your belt, why not think about
what you and others can do to tackle the bigger picture. Maybe set up a group
with like-minded individuals and build a team with a clear goal and perhaps
even a sustainable business model, that will allow your efforts to build and
grow over the years.
The Transition Towns Handbook can offer some great advice on
how to do this.
Step 6 : Lighting the way:
On a more personal note, one of the easiest ways to reduce energy
consumption is to be savvy with heating and lighting. The majority of energy
efficient light bulbs, such as LEDs, are now produced to accommodate a vast
range of fixtures. So the next time you need to replace your halogen and incandescent
bulbs why not consider using some eco friendly LEDs and (cough) visiting our light bulb store at Direct Trade Supplies.
Change is never easy - especially when you are trying to change a whole culture - but I hope that the steps I ave proposed will give you something useful to think about.
Written by Thomas Bray from
Direct Trade Supplies, Electrical Wholesaler.
Posted 8:39 AM by Matt Prescott ![]() Thursday, December 17, 2015Big brands 'cheating' with false energy efficiency claimsBREAKING NEWS... from The Guardian... VW mark II?http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/dec/17/leading-lightbulb-brands-making-false-claims-on-energy-efficiency Lightbulb manufacturers are misleading consumers about the brightness and energy use of their products by exploiting a loophole in European tests, lab results seen by the Guardian show. Ikea, Philips, GE and Osram are among the companies exaggerating energy performance up to 25% higher than that claimed on packaging, according to the Swedish Consumer Association tests. Ikea told the Guardian as a result it would refund customers who were dissatisfied with bulbs they had bought from its stores. The discrepancy is caused by manufacturers taking advantage of leeways – known as “tolerances” in official testing procedures for bulbs. The Swedish tests, conducted between, 2012-14, found that a 42W Airam halogen lamp consumed 25% more energy than claimed on the label to achieve its declared 630 lumens of brightness. A GE 70W halogen bulb guzzled 20% more energy to reach its stated 1,200 lumens. A 28W Philips halogen bulb was found to be 24% less bright than claimed while Ikea’s 53W and 70W bulbs both underperformed by 16%. A senior lighting industry executive told the Guardian that tolerance manipulation was rampant, forcing smaller firms to put substandard products onto the market or risk going out of business. “All the major brands are doing it,” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “No one is clean on this issue and everyone has to follow suit to compete. In the past, we declared our measured values on the packaging but when we measured our competitors equivalent products we saw that they were declaring higher values on their labels. “So we had to play the same game. We’re in a competitive market and if we didn’t, we would be idiots.” There is nothing illegal about the mislabelling, which cuts across brands and ranges and affects the lightbulbs’ advertised brightness per unit of energy – rather than their A-G energy label ratings. But the same whistleblower, who has two decades of experience in the industry, said that many companies manufactured products with lower-grade components knowing that they would fall short of the required wattage and lumens specifications, as his firm was now reluctantly doing. “The industry just follows the letter of the regulations, and they’re not in line with today’s technology,” he explained. “The net result is that consumers are being cheated by the system and I’m fed up with it.” The European tests for bulbs allow for a 10% tolerance threshold, meaning a bulb advertised as rated at 600 lumens, a measure of brightness, could in reality be 540 lumens. A 2-3% tolerance threshold would be fairer and easily doable at little extra cost to consumers, the Guardian’s source said. The European commission is aware of the loophole and has been working on proposals to close it since November 2012. Staff working documents show that officials knew that firms were exploiting loopholes in the system as far back as 2013. But plans for a legislative proposal are still gathering dust. “The commission found out that lighting manufacturers were adding the tolerance to the performance they measured for their own lamps, and using this to claim a higher label class than the performance they measured [in their energy] labelling or claim a pass for a product they measured as failing in ecodesign [regulations],” a commission spokesperson said. “This is not what is meant to be done, but the text of the regulations did not specifically exclude it.” While the commission has moved to close the loophole in energy labelling, lamp ecodesign requirements will not be reformed until next year, the official added. This would leave the tolerance loophole in place for other home appliances such as TVs, water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines, fridges and air conditioners. The cost to consumers across the home appliance industry range could be as high as €2bn a year, when other home appliance product ranges were factored in, the campaign group Coolproducts said. Viktor Sundberg, a vice-president at Electrolux said that tolerance loopholes should be closed across all product ranges. “I would like the EU to go ahead with a clarification to make the law clearer to everyone at the beginning of next year,” he said. Efficiency campaigners say that they have been told by officials that a robust proposal to address the problem is “doomed” because of fears in Brussels of attracting headlines comparing it to the VW diesel emissions scandal. “VW went bang and EU regulators woke up,” said Stephane Arditi, a product expert for the European Environmental Bureau. “The same thing could happen with home appliances, but the commission leadership would prefer to go back to sleep. They should accelerate rather than bury these reforms. Until they do, the playing field will slope in favour of those prepared to deceive their own customers.” Raw data from the 2012 and 2013 tests has been published on a blog. When contacted by the Guardian, Ikea offered full refunds or product exchanges to any customers dissatisfied with lightbulbs they had bought from their stores. “The report refers to halogen bulbs that are no longer sold at Ikea,” a spokesperson for the Swedish firm said. “Since September 2015, we switched our entire lighting range to LED for our customers to live a more sustainable life at home.” Jo Picardo, a spokesperson for Philips, said that the firm complied with all relevant standards and was committed to accurate labelling. “Lamp performance can differ per bulb,” she said. “This is the nature of the product and is especially true of halogen bulbs due to the tungsten coil. On average our bulbs meet the specs well within the allowed 10% tolerance range.” Osram described the issue as “not company-specific but an industry topic” and deferred to the Lighting Europe trade association. Diederik de Stoppelaar, Lighting Europe’s secretary-general, said that the industry was aware of the problem and that his association’s tests had found discrepancies of up to 35% in stated lightbulb performances, mostly involving bulbs manufactured outside the EU. “The allegations are not new to us as in our market surveillance programme we had the same findings,” he said. “We found mistakes in lumen output mainly.” His preferred solution though was for a simplified label, rather than an end to the current tolerance threshold. “We need a reasonable tolerance and in principle, tolerances of 10% are accepted in international standards,” he said. “I believe that all the major suppliers are within the limit. Once or twice you might get an occasional difference but that can also be a manufacturing issue, or an exceptional case.” De Stoppelaar declined to share information about the performance of EU-based companies in Lighting Europe’s surveys. • This article was amended on 17 December 2015. An earlier version showed a photograph of a fluorescent, rather than halogen, bulb. Posted 11:26 AM by Matt Prescott ![]() Wednesday, October 28, 2015Guest blog : Trust and the need for independent lab testsby Rory Wilding, Which LED Light
For anyone
shopping, switching to LED lighting represents one of the biggest
opportunities to make significant money savings whilst also reducing our
environmental impact.
Despite the
clear financial benefits of investing more money upfront in a longer lasting
LED light bulb, which produces strong white light and is dimmable, we have seen
little excitement about this new technology from the average person on the
This is
strange as unlike other sustainability initiatives, switching to LED lighting
is one of the easiest changes an individual can make on a day-to-day level. No
major new habits are necessary and no sacrifices in lighting performance are required;
people can have all of the light they are used to at a fraction of the cost by
simply switching a new underlying technology, which increasingly looks just
like the old one.
better, once the switch has been made its not uncommon for LED light bulbs to
have lifetimes of up to 25 years before needed to be changed again. So again,
why the hesitation?
Partners on
both sides appear willing – customers clearly want cheaper bills and
manufacturers, at least on paper, have a product to sell that can help achieve
this goal.
In recent
years there has been a tide of stories where consumers have been the only real
victim; the horse meat scandal, rising energy prices in contrast
to falling oil prices, and the price fixing of milk to name a few. The latest? Fudged emissions data by Volkswagen to get their diesel cars through
the emissions testing process.
originally bought into diesel cars on the promise of a greener more efficient
technology. This has dramatically shifted into consumers being fooled into
purchases through corporate fraud and with senior executives looking
potentially complicit in the process.
found a way of cheating in the lab tests for their vehicles’ emissions with a
‘defeat device’ that could sense when the car was being tested and adjust its
NOx emissions downwards accordingly. Another way of putting this is VW had
cheated because they were allowed to mark their own homework and avoid both
independent scrutiny and full public disclosure.
highlights a real need for transparency in the way data is gathered and the
software systems being used during and after performance tests. It also adds
fuel to the fire when it comes to consumer confidence in so-called ‘green’ or
‘clean’ technologies.
Make no
mistake we are all for LED lighting and believe its one of the biggest
no-brainers of the last decade; the
global cost of lighting energy is approximately $230 billion per year, of which $100 to $135 billion
can be saved with present-day technologies. However to realise these savings there is a desperate need to create
confidence with end-users to accelerate uptake.
an implicit assumption from consumers is that there will be gap between what brands
claim in terms of quality and what they will experience with LED lighting once
they buy it. The fairest way to tackle this problem is to put all lights on an
even playing field and test their performance claims through an independent
test lab in a consistent fashion.
We request
that manufacturers provide us with independent lab test to verify LED product
claims. We can then allow our users to filter products to see which LED bulbs
have had an independent lab test to verify the manufacturers claims. We hope
that implementing this proposal would help to create the trust needed by this new
and uncertain market place. Such a measure would allow people to make a truly
informed purchasing decision based around transparent data and impartiality
rather than brand strength alone.
Remember –
Volkswagen has been the top selling automaker in Europe for the past two decades. The point
we are making here is that data is essentially meaningless unless gathered in
an independent fashion. To truly inspire consumers to make that leap of faith
with a new technology means the onus is on manufacturers to reduce the risk on
the individual by providing as much transparent data as possible.
are built on trust. At Which LED Light, we have discussed the psychology of consumers before in relation to manufacturers
and LED lighting. In the age of information, on-demand
brands need to look at consumers in less of a transactional fashion and more as
an ongoing relationship. The truth is just a Google search, tweet, or Facebook
post away. If people trust the technology and the benefits are clear then
uptake is inevitable and potential payback for people and planet is obvious.
lighting market is becoming increasingly crowded with large corporate
non-traditional lighting players like IKEA and Dyson entering the market alongside an influx of
start-ups. The manufacturers that are aware of this and act early will be the
ones that win out. Without trust LED light bulbs may take years to move into
the mainstream thus reducing sales for manufacturers and denying consumers one
of the most disruptive technologies of recent years.
In lighting,
as in all areas of life, trust is not granted, it has to be earned.
Posted 9:18 AM by Matt Prescott ![]() Monday, July 27, 2015Guest blog : New uses for LEDs emerging-->
A guest blog by Tom Bray
The large scale production of LEDs in China has undoubtedly
made the energy saving light source a more affordable and accessible option. In
recent years retailers have been promoting the benefits of using LED
technology, making it a go to consumer product for helping reduce electricity
bills and conserve energy. Although LEDs are still being fine tuned by experts,
such as dimming compatibility issues, on a whole they have been well received
and are currently the champions of energy efficient lighting.
The headway that LED lamps have made is as clear as day.
From what was once a niche product, only available for people with a nice bit
expenditure, has now become a viable choice for everyone shopping in their
local store. Yet this example only demonstrates LEDs in their most basic form – a module
in a light bulb. What about LEDs integrating with other advanced technology,
innovations and future design ideas?
How great they are at saving energy is well rehearsed but
often lagging behind are other advantages posed by the LED. Colour, flexibility
and size are all contributors to the LEDs success. Although they may not be
acknowledged or fully understood by general consumers these feats have not gone
unnoticed with technological engineers, creative thinkers and product
designers. LEDs have now found their feet in an array of sectors where
traditional fluorescents and halogens just can't tread.
Imagine a world where you can access information technology
without picking up a phone or switching on a computer, instead achieved through
a body accessory. Well designers have already got the ball rolling with LED eye
contacts in the offing – AKA the bionic lens. This latest innovation is in its
early stages of development but the main premise is that users will be able to
gain access to
information such as emails through the means of a highly
advanced contact lens.
The sheer size of technology ploughed into this diddy device
will require pages and pages full of information to help dissect its true
mechanics and function, but the core elements involved are the antenna, a chip,
an integrated circuit, LEDs, Fresnel lenses and polymer substrate with
electrical interconnects. By using LEDs powered by a chip users will be able to
interpret visual experiences from the eye.
This tiny contact lens could well be the end point of a
monumentally long technological supply chain that relies upon a global search engine
or a video/image streaming computing power from around in the world. However,
the reliance of such bionic lens on big transnational server farms could perhaps hinder an energy efficient life cycle,
regardless of how small, convenient and energy friendly the actual screens are.
Something to bear in mind for developers, space planners and appliers of
Whether photographs, graphs or text, the implementation of
LED technology is vital to make these images achievable. It is also thought that
this innovation will be a major hit within the gaming industry as it could open
up many doors in the mysterious world of augmented reality. If abused this
technology has the potential to be dangerous revelation but on the face of it,
and through rose
tinted glasses, it's an ingenious and extremely exciting
Sticking with the eye but a completely different example is
an already established beauty product which was launched in Japan by digital
media designers Soomi Park who have sought to emphasise the shape and
size of the eye by developing the LED eye lash!
This product is yet to find its way overseas, but could indicate where similar beauty and
fashion applications may follow. Who's to say that illuminating facial features
won't be the blusher and skin foundation of the future or discrete signalling system of the future?
Let me take you well away from the face and into a warm
place – the home, the restaurant, the hotel foyer, because LED technology has
wriggled its flexible shape into interior design as well.
Around five years ago electrical giants Philips hooked up
with Kvadrat Soft Cells to create an enhanced feature for any room – LED wall
paper. With Philips expertise laid within lighting, control and electricity as
well as Kvadrat Soft Cells formidable reign within textiles, foam backed panels
and sound absorption; this collaboration was always going to be interesting.
Perhaps not the most feasible application for general
households due to an expensive price tag and questions over practicality, it is
though an adventurous invention for commercial outlets. With
sound absorption qualities for the reduction of noise it also promises a new route for restaurants to create a cosy and intimate feeling through its variable colour controls.
Controlled via a remote control users are able to reflect an
unlimited amount of hues to help evolve a multitude of effects. This can no
doubt develop into a brilliant way for portraying a particular mood or theme;
helping to drum home a brand's identity, heritage and house style. The intimacy
within the room can go up a notch with LED wall papers, whether a sophisticated
approach for dining in a restaurant or a sparkling hit to the senses as you
enter a luxury hotel – it really does offer an interesting alternative to
getting the paint tins out and redecorating.
So whether it's future fashion, beauty, gaming or interiors
it looks like LEDs are going to play an important role. Next time you see a
stack of bulbs in a supermarket or a tradesman trying to flog energy saving
light bulbs just remember that the potential of the LED stretches much further
than lighting a hallway at home. What's more they are kind to the environment
and will accomplish much, much more than any fluorescent or halogen lamp can
ever do.
So isn't it about time we ditched the energy hungry lamps
and made it compulsory to go LED? The sign of the times suggests that they're
very much in the plans for the foreseeable future. But then again, that doesn't
necessarily mean that LEDs are the concrete winners forever because innovators still
need to progress lighting efficiencies, but for now, they are the winners and
they are
By Tom Bray of Direct Trade Supplies
Posted 10:50 AM by Matt Prescott ![]() Wednesday, April 22, 2015Wired : 60W equivalent LEDs now sold for 2 for $5 ($2.50 each) in the USSome thought this day would never come!............................................................................................................. LED Bulbs are now two for $5 - Officially Too Cheap to Ignore If you’re among the holdouts who cling to their incandescent light bulbs like plastic eggs on Easter morning, you may want to loosen that grip. A new 60-watt equivalent LED bulb from Philips could be what finally convinces you to upgrade your lamps with a tiny dose of the future. There are more capable and longer-lasting LEDs than the new Philips LED A16 bulbs, but you won’t find any that are cheaper. A single bulb, rated for ten years, will set you back $4.97 once they go on sale in May at Home Depot. That’s already a significant savings over Philips’ existing $9.97 60w equivalent, and in line with the most affordable options in the market. But what makes the new bulbs especially notable is that for the first three months they’re available, you’ll be able to get two bulbs for that same five bucks.
It's time to upgrade your lamps with a tiny dose of the future.
That is very cheap! It’s cheaper, in fact, than a two-pack of GE incandescent 60w bulbs that are roughly as bright and that last about one-tenth as long. Another fun point of comparison? The new Philips 60w has an estimated yearly energy cost of just $1.02, versus $7.23 for those same GE bulbs. For the lighting spec-trackers, it puts out 800 lumens, and will be available in both 2700k and 5000k color temperatures. As LED lights have increasingly matched their incandescent counterparts in warmth, shape, and brightness, the last frontier of acceptance—aside from just good ol’ fashioned resistance to change—has been price. Over a long enough time horizon LEDs may end up saving you money, but it’s hard to see those benefits over the drug store (or in this case, hardware) aisle price tag. Philips hopes that $2.50 a pop will be low enough to allay any cost concerns, especially in low-stakes areas like your laundry room. That’s also why these new bulbs can be charitably described as “functional;” they don’t feature the dimming capabilities and the more incandescent-like warmth of the $10 Philips 60w LED bulb that will remain on sale. A Philips spokesperson described the new offering as a “transitional” product. Think of it, then, as a gateway drug, a chance to hook people on more efficient lighting and, eventually, the more expensive, more capable LEDs in the Philips arsenal. This is, after all, the same company that sells a single, internet-connected, color-shifting Philips Hue LED bulb for $60. Even if you have no interest in stepping up to brighter prospects in the future, though, these entry-level LEDs are worth serious consideration. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say that they don’t require much consideration at all; during the 90-day promotional period, they’re a combined 20 years of illumination for slightly more than two king-sized Snickers bars. That’s a small amount to stake on a light bulb that lasts longer than most relationships. Posted 3:07 AM by Matt Prescott ![]()